From Orphaned Dreams to Community Hope

My Journey

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My name is GINGO HENRY(HURRY), and I want to share a story with you.Imagine a life without hope, where every day is a struggle to survive. My journey began as a young orphan in the suburbs of Kampala, Uganda, facing immense challenges and uncertainties. Growing up without parents meant that every day was a fight for survival, with no guarantee of a meal or a safe place to sleep. However, everything changed when I was introduced to a Christian organization called Save an Orphan. This organization was dedicated to supporting children like me, offering not just physical aid but also introducing us to the love of Jesus.

Through Save an Orphan, I had the incredible opportunity to meet my generous sponsors from Australia for the first time. This was a pivotal moment in my life, captured in a cherished photo where I am standing with them. They provided me with simple yet profound gifts: a blanket and a mattress. These gifts brought me a sense of comfort and security that I had never experienced before. More importantly, their kindness and support instilled in me a deep sense of worth and belonging.

Me with sponsors at a young age
GINGO Meeting his generous sponsors for the first time

Save an Orphan did more than just meet my immediate needs; it introduced me to the teachings of Jesus Christ. Through this newfound faith, I found a source of strength and hope. Every weekend, the organization would provide us with a cup of milk, an egg, and a banana. These small but significant gestures not only nourished us physically but also showed us the care and love of the community. Additionally, these gatherings allowed me to interact with other children in similar situations, helping me realize that I was not alone.

The organization's care and the spiritual guidance I received inspired me to pursue my education with renewed vigor and determination. With the encouragement and support of my sponsors, I was able to complete my education. This journey was not just about academic achievements but about personal growth and discovering my purpose. The love and generosity I received from Save an Orphan and my sponsors planted a seed of passion within me to give back to my community.

Me with the kids currently
GINGO With the first generation kids

Although Save an Orphan eventually closed its operations in Uganda, we were encouraged to keep the candle burning and push through the challenges. Their work had a lasting impact on my life, and I yearned to reciprocate their efforts by continuing to support and uplift others in my community.

With a heart full of gratitude and a desire to make a difference, I returned to my roots in Matugga. During this time, I participated in an outreach mission to Mpigi, a serene community near Lake Victoria. The evident needs of the children there and the communities as a whole, inspired me to start my activities in this area. With the first donation I received from a few generous individuals, I was able to rent a small space and construct a modest wooden structure. Our resources were minimal: just one ball and a few pencils. Yet, with these humble beginnings, we ignited the spark of hope and change in our community.

Word spread quickly, and soon, children from all over Mpigi were joining our makeshift classes and activities. They came with eager hearts and hopeful eyes, ready to learn and grow. The ball became a symbol of unity and joy, while the pencils represented the power of education and a brighter future. Despite juggling these activities with my work, I was determined to make a difference. Generous local volunteers also came forward, offering their time and skills to help us grow.

Our humble beginnings in Mpigi and the support of the local community gave us the courage to extend our efforts to Kampala, the bustling capital of Uganda. In the heart of the city, we established programs that mirrored the love and support I had once received. Despite our limited resources, we focused on providing holistic development opportunities, ensuring that every child had the chance to succeed academically, emotionally, and spiritually.

Today, I am dedicated to helping more children like me and improving the communities from which we come. My mission is to provide not only education but also holistic development opportunities, ensuring that every child has the chance to succeed. I believe that with the right support, we can transform lives and build a brighter future.

Through our work, we aim to create environments where children can thrive academically, emotionally, and spiritually. We invite you to be part of this mission. Whether through donations, volunteering, or spreading the word, your involvement can make a significant difference. Together, we can offer hope, inspire dreams, and create lasting change in the lives of children and their communities.

Thank you for your support and belief in our mission. Together, we can continue to change lives, and build An Opportunit.